David Lambert


Since I was a kid every decade of my life has been filled with a love for the game of golf and my purpose on this earth is to share my passion and knowledge of the game with the world.

As a Registered Yoga Teacher, Certified Movement and Mobility Coach it should be said that getting people to move better in their body is my passion. When it comes to golf I am no different! As a PGA of Canada member and TPI Level 1 Certified Swing Coach I am able to marry my passion of getting people moving better in their body with getting people moving better in their swing.

I believe that through my experience and my training that I am able, from a refreshing and straight forward perspective, to help people understand WHY they swing the way they do and then exactly HOW to get from where they are now to where they want to be.

I specialize in assessing and teaching movement with a focus on integrity, functionality and alignment. This sets me apart as a Golf Fitness Instructor and Coach. Through combining my diverse background I have created a unique approach to golf instruction which is designed to produce consistent and efficient results from any body.

My mission is to improve the enjoyment of this game for as many people as I can by making the swing learning process as simple as possible. My goal is to be a Top 100 Teacher in the world and work on the PGA Tour.

My philosophy is simple:

When you understand why your body swings the way it does, the path to your ideal swing becomes clear.

See you on the course!


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