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Any questions? Please contact Darcy Kral @ darcy@pgaofcanada.com or 1.800.782.5764 x224

Facility Definitions

" PGA of Canada Approved Driving Range" means a golf driving range in Canada at which the golf shop is operated by a Teaching Professional and has a minimum of twelve hitting areas and a minimum size of fifty yards width by two hundred yards driving the length of the driving area;

"PGA of Canada Approved Golf Course" means a golf course in Canada with a minimum of nine holes and a minimum total playing length of 1,000 yards at which the golf shop is operated by a Head Professional or is being constructed and meets the requirements established by the Board from time to time. Only a "Head Professional" may register at a "PGA of Canada Approved Golf Course" under construction;

“PGA of Canada Approved Teaching Centre” means an indoor and/or outdoor facility that meets such requirements as may be determined by the Board of Directors from time to time; Only one Class “A” Head Teaching Professional may register at a PGA of Canada Approved Teaching Centre whom may or may not employ Teaching Professionals;