Sponsored Job Posting

To purchase a sponsored job posting please send an email to employment@pgaofcanada.com

Please include an attached word format Job Description that includes the following information:

1. Position title

2. About course

3. Application deadline date

4. Start date

5. Job summary

6. Position responsibilities

7. Qualifications required

8. Compensation/Salary Range

9. Benefits/Perks

10. Employment Duration (Permanent, Contract, Full Time, Part Time)

11. Contact info of who to send resumes to

Please also include an attached hi-resolution logo and/or photo to showcase your course/facility/organization which we can add to the sponsored job posting.

If you would like a Job Description template, please email employment@pgaofcanada.com


Sponsored Job Posting Options:

Sponsored Job Posting Email Blast

Cost: $500.00 + tax

Description: This is a dedicated email of your job posting to over 3,500 PGA of Canada members and is a great way to have your job seen by a lot more golf professional's eyes.

We can also include a photo/logo to showcase your course/facility.  


Sponsored Job Ad - PGA of Canada's Insider Newsletter

Cost: $300.00 + tax per issue

Description: The bi-weekly newsletter is sent out to over 3,500 PGA of Canada members every second and last Thursday of each month. Your job ad would be featured in an issue. A little more cost effective and still sent to the same amount of people but it is not a dedicated email. We can also include a photo/logo to showcase your course/facility.


Sponsored LinkedIn Job Posting

Cost: $100.00 + tax per posting

Description: The PGA of Canada will utilize its social media reach via a dedicated LinkedIn posting of your job to all of the PGA of Canada's LinkedIn followers.

We can also include a photo/logo to showcase your course/facility.  


Package Deal

Cost $750.00 + tax

All 3 job posting options for a lower price.


PGA of Canada Sponsored Job Postings/Classifieds Refund Policy

All sponsored job postings are 100% refundable until they have been created. If the ad is cancelled after the ad is created, but before it is sent out to the PGA of Canada membership, an administration fee of 20% will apply. Once published and/or sent via email to our members, sponsored job postings and classified postings are non-refundable.