Education & PAT Schedule

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Post-Secondary Education
PGA Training Academy
# Registered

Please Note:
Learners within the PGA Recognized Programs Pathway are able to submit their documentation through this course link.

Credit Value: 3.0 - 5.0 Elective Credits
Cost: $75

While we no longer mandate formal education in our training program, we understand the asset a degree/diploma has on your career, which is why are are offering our members an opportunity to earn credits in the PGA Training Academy for their post-secondary school.

3 -5 credits* will be awarded for individuals who meet the eligibility requirements ( see below ) based on the following credit categories:

       3 credits – 3 year diploma from a recognized college
       4 credits -- University degree or 3 year diploma with additional certificate/diploma program
       5 credits – Masters or PhD

*You may be eligible for additional credits based on partial or full completion of a PGM program, click on the tabs below for more information!

Individuals who have been awarded "legacy credits" for completion of the formal education requirement in the PACE program will not be eligible to receive additional credits.

• Degree/diploma must be related to the individuals' career path in golf (example - business, commerce, marketing, communications, kinesiology or sport science, sport management).
• All formal education credits are awarded based on completion of the diploma/degree
• Official transcripts or proof of degree must be submitted to the course assignment section of this course on PGA Brightspace.
Credits for former PGM students
The PGA of Canada will provide an individualized course audit for any Apprentice Professional who completed or partially completed a PGM diploma at a formerly recognized institution.

The list of formerly recognized PGM programs are as follows:

Camosun College
Lethbridge College
Grant MacEwan
Holland College
Niagara College
St. Clair College

It is likely, contingent on your grades and courses completed, that you may earn credits above and beyond the 3 - 5 mentioned above. Please ensure you are uploading your official transcripts to the correct course assignment ("PGM AUDITS") on PGA Brightspace.

Credits for Georgian, Humber PGM, GMIC and McMaster (Former and Current Students)
The PGA of Canada is proud to introduce partnerships with the following post-secondary programs:

•Honours Bachelor of Business Administration (Golf Management) at Georgian College
•Golf Facilities Operation Management at Georgian College
•Professional Golf Management at Humber College
•Business of Golf & Resort Management at McMaster University
• Fanshawe College - Golf and Club Management

For more information on how to receive credit for these programs, please sign up for the Partner Program Transcript Review

Important Note!
After registering for this course, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions on accessing PGA Brightspace and this course homepage. Our course assignment will provide you instructions on where to submit your transcripts. Please make sure official transcripts are being posted.



Registration is only available to PGA of Canada members.

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